Using Nard from VirtualBox with a Direct Ethernet Connection

Caleb Place calebplace811 at
Thu Jun 30 13:53:46 CEST 2016

Thanks for the reply. I'm definitely not a network guru, so what should go
in the fields below it? I'm assuming eth0ip0 should be the IP, but what
about mask, defgw, dns1, and dns2? Do I need to set them?

On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 5:34 AM, Ronny Nilsson <
rln-nard at> wrote:

> Hi
> I understand better now. The simplest method would be using fixed IP
> addresses. For example, configure Fedora to use and the
> Raspberry There are two caveats though:
> 1) VirtualBox and Fedroa probably need to use "Bridged" networking
>         Menu > Machine > Settings > Network > Adapter 1 > Attached to
> 2) Setting a fixed IP in Nard can be done in the file
>         SD-card/settings/network
> It's a text file which is easy to understand. You can move the SD-card to
> your
> PC and edit the file in Windows - but, you need to use a text editor that
> understands Unix text file format. Thus, Notepad won't work. However, the
> free Notepad++ works and probably any text editor designed for real
> programing does.
> /Ronny
> ------------------------------------------
> > After reading, I see that I wasn't very clear. What I want to do is
> > *connect the RPi to the computer completely locally with an ethernet
> cable*
> > (the computer may not even be connected to Wi-Fi) and use make ssh from
> > that. (Local ethernet connection is covered in this StackOverflow post:
> > Hook up Raspberry Pi via ethernet to laptop without router?
> > <
> >net-to-laptop-without-router>). To make matters even better, I'm running
> > Linux from the prepared Fedora image in VirtualBox.
> >
> > - Caleb

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