Announcing Nard SDK v2.00

Ronny Nilsson rln-nard at
Mon Oct 1 17:05:40 CEST 2018

A new stable version of Nard has been released! Among other things v2 
introduces a much wanted GUI feature (via the add-on). An example of this is 
the "kiosk" product which runs FireFox in full screen mode. This is likely 
the most reliable low cost kiosk one can use as today! Here is the full 

	- Web browser kiosk mode (in the add-on).
	- Better USB hotplug support.
	- Autorepair of the SD card at upgrade time if necessary.
	- Upgraded toolchain: GNU g++ v6.3.1 with C++11 and C++14
	- Kernel upgrade to v4.4.50
	- Possibility to build a monolith kernel and out-of-tree drivers.
	- NFS server support (in the add-on).
	- Raspi camera support (in add-on videocore-libs).
	- WiFi firmware security updates.
	- PXE network boot support.
	- New applicaiton: p910nd. A small printer daemon.
	- New application: libConfuse. A configuration file parser library.
	- New application: libFTDI. A library to talk to FTDI USB chips.
	- New application: Telldus-core. A RF lightswitch outlet controller.

Please spread the word

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