RaspberryPi 2 support?

Sławomir Gonet slawek at otwiera.cz
Fri Jul 17 08:29:01 CEST 2015

Ronny Nilsson dixit (07/16 23:23):

> -------- Original message --------
> From: Sławomir Gonet <slawek at otwiera.cz> 
> Date:2015/07/16  12:09  (GMT+01:00) 
> To: nard at arbetsmyra.dyndns.org 
> Subject: RaspberryPi 2 support? 
> > Hey,
> > 
> > as far as I see, RasPi2 is not supported, only:
> > 
> > raspi_a_revx
> > raspi_b_rev2
> > raspi_b_revx
> > raspi_b+_revx
> > raspi_cm_revx
> > raspi_x_revx
> > 
> > Am I right? Are there any chances for change in this subject?
> > Also, is there any git/whatever repository with trunk version of Nard?
> > 
> Hi
> Yes you are correct, support for RPi 2 is still missing. It's
> definitely planed though! I've been occupied with other parts of the
> project lately but RPi 2 is high prio.

That's great, I am happy to hear that work is already in progress! Is
this somehow possible for you to describe actual progress, how much work
is still required?

> There is no public repository of Nard, but thats mostly due to noone
> has requested it yet. An internal git repo exist but if the interest
> should emerge to contribute in large I would happily publish it. So
> far a couple of minor patches is all I've received.

I am unable to guarantee invloving, I will probably have to wait until
RPi2 support, but if only I will be creating some improvements - then
surely you'll receive a patch (what will be easier if there will be some
public repo).

Best wishes and thanks,


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