Using Nard from VirtualBox with a Direct Ethernet Connection

Caleb Place calebplace811 at
Wed Jul 13 00:35:04 CEST 2016

I managed to get some code compiling and installed on the RPi. Now I've one
question about libraries.

If I have an app that runs my main code, and I depend on other apps such as
WiringPi, how do I #include the app headers in my code? For example, if I
want to run the WiringPi sample code, it requires the WiringPi header to be
included. #include <wiringPi.h> doesn't work, of course, because wiringPi.h
isn't in the path. I found wiringPi.h inside the apps/wiringpi directory,
and I could technically include it via -I apps/wiringpi/..., but that feels
hacky and incorrect and would require a good deal of extra work if
including multiple libraries. I'm sure there's a simpler way to do it. The
same goes for linking: I can't link against the libraries in Fedora itself,
because they're not the right architecture, so is there somewhere to find
the cross-compiled libraries for linking against?

On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 1:14 PM, Caleb Place <calebplace811 at> wrote:

> Hm... It's working now. I configured Windows to use a static IP, rebooted
> the VM several times, and now Fedora's connection to the Pi seems to be
> working. I've SSH'd into it several times and used make upgrade and it
> looks like it might hold out.
> Thanks ever so much for your help. I'll let you know if I have more
> problems.
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 3:30 AM, Ronny Nilsson <
> rln-nard at> wrote:
>> Hi
>> It's hard to say what has suddenly stopped working... Here are some random
>> items to check:
>> - Does the command  "make ssh"  work better?
>> - Set Windows to use static IP and reboot PC.
>> - Can you ping Linux from Windows and vice versa?
>> - Can you ping the Raspberry from Linux or Windows?
>> - Does the network LED on Raspberry flash when you ping?
>> - Ensure Unix format of file  SDcard/settings/network  (this is bug that
>> will
>> be fixed in next Nard version).
>> /Ronny
>> -----------------------------------------
>> > Ok... Maybe that was a bit premature. I did get it working once and the
>> SSH
>> > prompt came up. I executed a few commands to see if it was working (ls,
>> cd,
>> > etc), and everything seemed great. However, now it's stopped working
>> again.
>> > The make ssh command fails with "No IP-addresses found".
>> >
>> > I'm probably just getting some super simple step wrong, so I'll just go
>> > over exactly what I have. I'm using the image of Fedora from the Nard
>> > website. It's running LXDE. (I tried multiple distros of Linux before
>> > ending up using the VirtualBox one you provided, so I don't remember if
>> > LXDE is the default or not.) In VirtualBox, I have only one network
>> adapter
>> > set to bridged mode, with the name dropdown set to my computer's
>> doohickey.
>> > Promiscuous mode is denied and the cable connected box is checked.
>> >
>> > On the actual Linux side, I have a single connection in the settings.
>> IPv4
>> > is set to manual, and the address/netmask/gateway is
>> > (the last field was set by the
>> computer
>> > after I left the field blank). Under "Routes..." I have a single route
>> set
>> > to for
>> > address/netmask/gateway/metric.
>> >
>> > As for the Nard SD card, I only set the settings as you wrote. It's on
>> > static mode, with as the IP and as the
>> netmask.
>> > It seems to start up correctly (the light starts blinking regularly
>> after a
>> > short wait when plugging it in), but when I try to use `make ssh' it
>> won't
>> > show up. I have changed absolutely nothing else in the Nard tree, SD
>> card,
>> > or anything else. What am I doing wrong?
>> >
>> > On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 8:02 AM, Caleb Place <calebplace811 at>
>> >
>> > wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Working excellently. Time to code up some E-ink typewriter goodness!
>> > >

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